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Walden and civil disobedience

Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Thoreau, Henry David
Verfasser*innenangabe: Henry David Thoreau ; introduction by Kristen Case
Jahr: 2017
Verlag: London, Penguin Classics
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 05., Pannaschg. 6 Standorte: PH.T FS.E Thor Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


A transcendentalist classic on social responsibility and a manifesto that inspired modern protest movements.
Critical of nineteenth-century America's booming commercialism and industrialism, Henry David Thoreau moved to a small cabin in the woods of Concord, Massachusetts, in 1845. Walden, the account of his stay near Walden Pond, conveys at once a naturalist's wonder at the commonplace and a transcendentalist's yearning for spiritual truth and self-reliance. But Thoreau's embrace of solitude and simplicity did not entail a withdrawal from social and political matters. Civil Disobedience, also included in this volume, expresses his antislavery and antiwar sentiments, and has influenced resistance movements worldwide. Both give rewarding insight into a free-minded, principled, and idiosyncratic life. (Verlagstext)


Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Thoreau, Henry David
Verfasser*innenangabe: Henry David Thoreau ; introduction by Kristen Case
Jahr: 2017
Verlag: London, Penguin Classics
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik FS.E, DR, PH.T
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Englisch [Sprache]
ISBN: 978-0-14-039044-5
2. ISBN: 0-14-039044-8
Beschreibung: 309 Seiten
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Case, Kristen
Sprache: Deutsch
Fußnote: First publ. 1854
Mediengruppe: Buch