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Against capital in the twenty-first century

a reader of radical undercurrents
Suche nach Verfasser*in
Verfasser*innenangabe: edited by John Asimakopoulos and Richard Gilman-Opalsky
Jahr: 2018
Verlag: Philadelphia, Temple University Press
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 07., Urban-Loritz-Pl. 2a Standorte: GW.AP FS.E Agai / College 6e - Englisch / Regal 641-642 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


VERLAGSTEXT: / The problems of capitalism have been studied from Karl Marx to Thomas Piketty. The latter has recently confirmed that the system of capital is deeply bound up in ever-growing inequality without challenging the continuance of that system. Against Capital in the Twenty-First Century presents a diversity of analyses and visions opposed to the idea that capital should have yet another century to govern human and non-human resources in the interest of profit and accumulation. The editors and contributors to this timely volume present alternatives to the whole liberal litany of administered economies, tax policy recommendations, and half-measures. They undermine and reject the logic of capital, and the foregone conclusion that the twenty-first century should be given over to capital just as the previous two centuries were. / Providing a deep critique of capitalism, based on assessment from a wide range of cultural, social, political, and ecological thinking, Against Capital in the Twenty-First Century insists that transformative, revolutionary, and abolitionist responses to capital are even more necessary in the twenty-first century than they ever were. / /
AUS DEM INHALT: / Introduction: Against Capital in the Twenty-First Century / ¿ RICHARD GILMAN-OPALSKY AND JOHN ASIMAKOPOULOS 1 / 11 Theory/Praxis 31 / 1.1 Utink Hope, Think Crisis ¿ JOHN HOLLOWAY 31 / 1.2 The New Spaces of Freedom ¿ FELIX GUATTARI 38 / 1.3 The Theory of State-Capitalism: The Soviet Union as / Capitalist Society ¿ RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA / 1.4 Death, Freedom, and the Disintegration of Communism / ¿ RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA 52 / 1.5 Revolution and Counterrevolution in Hungary / ¿ RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA 53 / 1.6 Dialectics: The Algebra of Revolution ¿ RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA 54 / 21 Ideology 56 / 2.1 Socialism or Barbarism ¿ CORNELIUS CASTORIADIS 56 / 2.2 Ideology Materialized ¿ GUY DEBORD 59 / 2.3 American "Common Sense" * FREDY PERLMAN 62 / 2.4 Radical Learning through Neoliberal Crisis ¿ SAYRES RUDY 65 / 3 I Class Composition and Hierarchy 78 / 3.1 Karl Marx's Model of the Class Society ¿ RALF DAHRENDORF 78 / 3.2 Sex, Race, and Class ¿ SELMA JAMES 84 / 3.3 Wageless of the World ¿ SELMA JAMES 89 / 3.4 Hierarchy ofWages and Incomes ¿ CORNELIUS CASTORIADIS 94 / 3.5 A Brief Rant against Work: With Particular Attention to the / Relation of Work to White Supremacy, Sexism, and Miserabilism / ¿ PENELOPE ROSEMONT 99 / 4 I Racialization and Feminist Critique 107 / 4.1 The Lived Experience of the Black Man ¿ FRANTZFANON 107 / 4.2 The Negro's Fight: Negroes, We Can Depend Only on / Ourselves! ¿ C.L.R. JAMES 114 / 4.3 Hadem Negroes Protest Jim Crow Discrimination / 4.4 Feminism and the Politics of the Common in an Era / of Primitive Accumulation « SILVIA FEDERICI 122 / 4.5 BlackLivesMatter ¿ ALICIA GARZA 134 / 5 I Critical Pedagogy 139 / 5.1 Beyond Dystopian Visions in the Age of Neoliberal Violence ¿ HENRY A. GIROUX 139 / 5.2 Chapman Democracy Activist Offers a Radical Critique / of Capitalism: Interview with Peter McLaren ¿ JONATHAN WINSLOW 156 / 5.3 Neoliberal Globalization and Resistance in Education: / The Challenge of Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy / ¿ CONSTANTINE SKORDOULIS 160 / 5.4 Transformative Education, Critical Education, Marxist / Education: Possibilities and Alternatives to the Restructuring / of Education in Global Neoliberal Times ¿ DAVE HILL 171 / 6 I Capitalist Culture and Cultural Production 186 / 6.1 The Revolution of Everyday Life ¿ RAOUL VANEIGEM 186 / 6.2 Info-labor/Precarization ¿ FRANCO "BIFO" BERARDI 193 / 6.3 Imaginal Machines ¿ STEVPHEN SHUKAITIS 204 / CONTENTS | ix / 7 I Language, Literature, arid Art 214 / 7.1 HowWe Could Have Lived or Died Ulis Way / ¿ MARTIN ESPADA 214 / 7.2 My Name Is Espada ¿ MARTIN ESPADA 215 / 7.3 Vivas to Those Who Have Failed: The Paterson Silk Strike, / 1913 ¿ MARTIN ESPADA 216 / 7.4 Factotum ¿ CHARLES BUKOWSKT 219 / 7.5 Interview with Robert Greenwald ¿ JOHN ASIMAKOPOULOS 226 / 7.6 Sound of da Police ¿ KRS-ONE 230 / 8 I Ecology 233 / 8.1 What Is Social Ecology? ¿ MURRAY BOOKCHIN 233 / 8.2 Socialism and Ecology ¿ JAMES O'CONNOR 241 / 8.3 Why Primitivism? ¿ JOHN ZERZAN 250 / 8.4 In Catastrophic Times: Resisting the Coming Barbarism / ¿ ISABELLE STENGERS 258 / 9 I Historical Transformations 266 / 9.1 Conflict Croups, Group Conflicts, and Social Change / ¿ RALF DAHRENDORF 266 / 9.2 Debt: The First 5,000 Years ¿ DAVID GRAEBER 269 / 9.3 When the Future Began ¿ FRANCO "BIFO" BERARDI 277 / 9.4 Post-Fordist, American Fascism ¿ ANGELA MITROPOULOS 284 / 10 I New Modalities of Collective Action 293 / 10.1 From Globalization to Resistance ¿ STAUGHTON LYND 293 / 10.2 Platform for a Provisional Opposition ¿ GUY DEBORD 303 / 10.3 The Temporary Autonomous Zone ¿ HAKIM BEY 308 / 10.4 The Conscience of a Hacker ¿ THE MENTOR 312 / 10.5 Horizontalism and Territory: From Argentina and Occupy / to Nuit Debout and Beyond ¿ MARINA SITRIN 314 /


Suche nach Verfasser*in
Verfasser*innenangabe: edited by John Asimakopoulos and Richard Gilman-Opalsky
Jahr: 2018
Verlag: Philadelphia, Temple University Press
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik GW.AP, FS.E
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Englisch [Sprache]
ISBN: 978-1-4399-1358-1
2. ISBN: 1-4399-1358-7
Beschreibung: ix, 341 Seiten
Schlagwörter: Alternative Wirtschaft, Kapitalismus, Kritik, Soziale Ungleichheit, Wirtschaftssystem, Alternative Ökonomie, Gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit, Kapitalistische Gesellschaft , Kapitalistische Wirtschaft , Kapitalistisches Gesellschaftssystem , Kapitalistisches Wirtschaftssystem, Sozialer Unterschied
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Asimakopoulos, John; Gilman-Opalsky, Richard; Castoriadis, Cornelius; Holloway, John; Debord, Guy
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Enthält zahlreiche Beiträge
Mediengruppe: Buch