The Anthropology of Development and Globalization is a collection of readings that provides an unprecedented overview of this field that ranges from the field's classical origins to today's debates about the "magic" of the free market. Explores the foundations of the anthropology of development, a field newly animated by theories of globalization and transnationalism. Framed by an encyclopedic introduction that will prove indispensable to students and experts alike. Includes readings ranging from Weber and Marx and Engels to contemporary works on the politics of development knowledge, consumption, environment, gender, international NGO networks, the IMF, campaigns to reform the World Bank, the collapse of socialism, and the limits of "post-developmentalism". Fills a crucial gap in the literature by mingling historical, cultural, political, and economic perspectives on development and globalization. Present a wide range of theoretical approaches and topics. "Anthropology is nothing unless also concerned with contemporary social and political questions. Edelman and Haugerud's set of readings and wide-ranging, authoritative introduction will be indispensable to scholars and practitioners alike." (Ralph Grillo, University of Sussex) / "Enhanced by the editors' knowledgeable introduction, which draws attention to anthropology's silences as well as engagements with classical and contemporary political economy, this comprehensive anthology will be of great value to scholars, students, and practitioners." (Sara Berry, Johns Hopkins University).
Acknowledgments viii
Introduction: The Anthropology of Development and Globalization 1
Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud
Part I Classical Foundations and Debates 75
Introduction 77
1 Of the Accumulation of Capital, or of Productive and
Unproductive Labor 87
Adam Smith
2 Manifesto of the Communist Party 91
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
3 The Evolution of the Capitalistic Spirit 95
Max Weber
4 The Self-Regulating Market and the Fictitious Commodities:
Labor, Land, and Money 99
Karl Polanyi
Part II What is Development? 20th-century Debates 105
Introduction 107
5 The Rise and Fall of Development Theory 109
Colin Leys
6 The History and Politics of Development Knowledge 126
Frederick Cooper and Randall Packard
7 Anthropology and Its Evil Twin: "Development" in the Constitution
of a Discipline 140
James Ferguson
Part III From Development to Globalization 155
Introduction 157
8 Globalization, Dis-integration, Re-organization:
The Transformations of Violence 160
Jonathan Friedman
9 The Globalization Movement: Some Points of Clarification 169
David Graeber
10 Globalization After September 11 173
Saskia Sassen
11 Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism 177
Jean Comaroff and John LComaroff
Part IV Consumption, Markets, Culture 189
Introduction 191
12 Agricultural Involution Revisited 194
Clifford Geertz
13 Nontraditional Commodities and Structural Adjustment in Africa 206
Peter DLittle and Catherine SDolan
14 Market Mentalities, Iron Satellite Dishes, and Contested Cultural
Developmentalism 216
Louisa Schein
15 A Theory of Virtualism: Consumption as Negation 224
Daniel Miller
16 Seeing Culture as a Barrier 232
Emma Crewe and Elizabeth Harrison
Part V Gender, Work, and Networks 235
Introduction 237
17 "Men-streaming" Gender? Questions for Gender and Development
Policy in the Twenty-first Century 240
Sylvia Chant and Matthew CGutmann
18 Deterritorialization and Workplace Culture 250
Jane LCollins
19 The Network Inside Out 262
Annelise Riles
Part VI Nature, Environment, and Biotechnology 269
Introduction 271
20 Whose Woods Are These? Counter-Mapping Forest Territories
in Kalimantan, Indonesia 273
Nancy Lee Peluso
21 Misreading Africa's Forest History 282
James Fairhead and Melissa Leach
22 Colonial Encounters in Postcolonial Contexts: Patenting Indigenous
DNA and the Human Genome Diversity Project 292
Hilary Cunningham
Part VII Inside Development Institutions 301
Introduction 303
23 Advocacy Research and the World Bank: Propositions for Discussion 306
Jonathan Fox
24 Development Narratives, Or Making the Best of Blueprint Development 313
Emery MRoe
25 The Social Organization of the IMF's Mission Work 323
Richard Harper
Part VIII Development Alternatives, Alternatives to Development 335
Introduction 337
26 Imagining a Post-Development Era 341
Arturo Escobar
27 Beyond Development? 352
Katy Gardner and David Lewis
28 Village Intellectuals and the Challenge of Poverty 360
Elizabeth Isichei
29 Kerala: Radical Reform as Development in an Indian State 368
Richard WFranke and Barbara HChasin
30 What Was Socialism, and Why Did It Fall ? 3 73
Katherine Verdery
31 "Disappearing the Poor?" A Critique of the New Wisdoms of Social
Democracy in an Age of Globalization 382
John Gledhill
Index 391