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Branded spaces

experience enactments and entanglements
Suche nach Verfasser*in
Verfasser*innenangabe: Stephan Sonnenburg ; Laura Baker (Eds.)
Jahr: 2013
Verlag: Wiesbaden, Springer VS
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 07., Urban-Loritz-Pl. 2a Standorte: GW.WH FS.E Bran / College 6e - Englisch / Regal 641-642 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


Sweeping transformation of brands has led to a warranted need to conquer space for brand performances. Branded spaces emplace agents like consumers or other stakeholders to have an experience that is in multisensual association with a brand. In a fast changing world, branded spaces are becoming lighthouses for brands, for their image and for their relationship to agents. Additionally, the editors and contributors often use a story-like framework to explore how branded spaces are approached as well as to what degree they afford success. Rousing reading about the complex theoretical and practical phenomenon of branded spaces is provided through the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of all the contributors. Management, branding, marketing, sociology, psychology, and philosophy are some of the disciplines that deal with branded spaces. To address the complexity and the multidisciplinary challenge of branded spaces, this topic is approached via different categories: places and possibilities, facts and figures, senses and sensualities, stories and situations as well as critiques and consequences. There is even mention of a possible sequel with a transdisciplinary approach.
Stephan Sonnenburg/ Laura Baker
Approaching Branded Spaces 9
Places and Possibilities
Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan / Greg Kerr
The 4D Model o f Place Brand Management 31
Jan Specht
Architecture and the Destination Image: Something Familiar,
Something New, Something Virtual, Something True 43
Werner Gronau / Nicholas Adjouri
Branding Views Marketing: Lessons to Learn for Destination
Management 63
Michael Klein / Andreas Rumpfliuber
The Possibility o f a Social Imaginary: Public Housing as a
Tool for City Branding 75
Facts and Figures
Louise Bielzer
Corporate Branded Spaces: A Glance at Today's Diversity and
Some Historic Origins 89
Bernd Ankenbrand / Sven Mussler / Timo Mussler
Brand Value in Real Estate: The Financial Contribution o f Property Brands 109
Thomas Bezold
Naming Rights for Sports Stadiums: Sponsor versus Club -
Who Makes the Proper Brand? 121
Senses and Sensualities
Garyfalia Palaiologou /Alan Perm
The Branded Experience: Decoding the Spatial Configuration
o f Flagship Stores 135
Erica Liu
Applying Theory o f Branding Synergy on Consumer
Experience and Spatial Design: A Case Study 157
Sonja Kastner
Heimatklange: The Conceptual Design o f Branded Spaces
by Means o f Sonic Branding 167
Stories and Situations
Christoph Engl
South Tyrol: Destinations Can Be Brands Too 181
Antti Vihinen
A Guggenheim in Every City? 193
Jorg Dauscher / Frank Otto Dietrich / Ralf Schmidt-Bleeker
AAALBANIA: Possibilities and Limitations o f Nation Branding
Using the Example o f Albania 203
Critiques and Consequences
Steven Miles
Branded Space; Branded Consumers: Spaces for Consumption and
the Uncomfortable Consequences o f Complicit Communality 217
Florin Mure$anu / Monica Mure$anu
Cannibal Architecture Hates BANANAs: Post-Communist
Rebranding o f Historical Sites 229
Stefanie Leontiadis
Syntax o f Intervention in Historically Significant Public Open
Urban Spaces 247
Markus FPeschl / Thomas Fundneider
Branding as Enabling Knowledge Creation: The Role o f Space and
Cognition in Branding Processes " 261
About the Authors 279


Suche nach Verfasser*in
Verfasser*innenangabe: Stephan Sonnenburg ; Laura Baker (Eds.)
Jahr: 2013
Verlag: Wiesbaden, Springer VS
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik GW.WH, FS.E
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 978-3-658-01560-2
2. ISBN: 3-658-01560-8
Beschreibung: 286 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Notenbeisp.
Schlagwörter: Karlsruhe <2011>, Kongress, Markenpolitik, Raum, Aufsatzsammlung, Destinationsmarketing, Stadtmarketing, Kolloquium, Kongresse, Künstlersymposion, Markenführung, Raumauffassung, Raumverständnis, Sommerschule <Kongress>, Symposion <Kongress>, Symposium <Kongress>, Tagung <Kongress>, Vortragssammlung, Beiträge, Destination marketing, Reiseziel / Marketing, Sammelwerk
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Sonnenburg, Stephan; Baker, Laura
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Literaturangaben
Mediengruppe: Buch