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The book of phobias & manias

a history of the world in 99 obsession
Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Summerscale, Kate
Verfasser*innenangabe: Kate Summerscale
Jahr: 2022
Verlag: New York, Profile Books
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 07., Urban-Loritz-Pl. 2a Standorte: PI.HK Summ / College 3b - Englisch / Regal 312-315 Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


Presents a compendium of ninety-nine phobias and manias both rare and familiar, from ablutophobia (a horror of washing) to syllogomania (a compulsion to hoard) to zoophobia (a fear of animals).
Table of Contents
Introduction 1 (6)
How To Use This Book 7 (6)
A-Z OF Phobias And Manias
Ablutophobia (washing)
13 (1)
Aboulomania (indecisiveness)
14 (1)
Acarophobia (tiny insects)
15 (2)
Acrophobia (heights)
17 (2)
Aerophobia (flying)
19 (2)
Agoraphobia (open spaces)
21 (5)
Aibohphobia (palindromes)
26 (1)
Ailurophobia (cats)
26 (4)
Aquaphobia (water)
30 (1)
Arachnophobia (spiders)
31 (5)
Arithmomania (counting)
36 (2)
Bambakomallophobia (cotton wool)
38 (1)
Batrachophobia (frogs)
39 (1)
Beatlemania (The Beatles)
40 (3)
Bibliomania (books)
43 (3)
Blood-injection-injury phobia
46 (3)
Brontophobia (thunder)
49 (2)
Choreomania (dancing)
51 (2)
Claustrophobia (confined spaces)
53 (4)
Coulrophobia (clowns)
57 (2)
Cynophobia (dogs)
59 (4)
Demonomania (The Devil)
63 (3)
Dermatillomania (skin-picking)
66 (1)
Dipsomania (alcohol)
67 (2)
Doraphobia (fur)
69 (2)
Dromomania (walking)
71 (3)
Egomania (oneself)
74 (1)
Emetophobia (vomiting)
75 (3)
Entomophobia (insects)
78 (3)
Ergophobia (work)
81 (1)
Erotomania (love)
82 (2)
Erythrophobia (blushing)
84 (4)
Fykiaphobia (seaweed)
88 (2)
Gelotophobia (mockery)
90 (1)
Gerascophobia (ageing)
91 (2)
93 (1)
Globophobia (balloons)
94 (1)
Glossophobia (public speaking)
94 (2)
Graphomania (writing)
96 (1)
Haphemania (touching)
97 (1)
Haphephobia (being touched)
98 (1)
Hippophobia (horses)
99 (3)
Hippopotomonstrosesqui-pedaliophobia (long words)
102 (1)
Homicidal monomania (killing)
103 (2)
Homophobia (homosexuality)
105 (1)
Hydrophobia (water)
106 (3)
Hypnophobia (sleep)
109 (1)
Hypophobia (nothing much)
109 (1)
Kayak phobia (kayaks)
110 (2)
Klazomania (shouting)
112 (1)
Kleptomania (stealing)
113 (4)
Koumpounophobia (buttons)
117 (2)
Laughing mania
119 (2)
Lypemania (sadness)
121 (1)
Megalomania (self-importance)
122 (1)
Micromania (shrinking)
123 (1)
Monomania (one thing)
124 (2)
Monophobia (solitude)
126 (1)
Musophobia (rats and mice)
126 (1)
Mysophobia (germs)
127 (5)
Mythomania (lying)
132 (4)
Nomophobia (mobile phones)
136 (2)
Nyctophobia (darkness)
138 (3)
Nymphomania (sex)
141 (3)
Odontophobia (dentists)
144 (1)
Oniomania (shopping)
145 (2)
Onomatomania (one word)
147 (1)
Onychotillomania (nail-pulling)
147 (2)
Ophidiophobia (snakes)
149 (2)
Ornithophobia (birds)
151 (2)
Osmophobia (smells)
153 (1)
Ovophobia (eggs)
153 (2)
Pantophobia (everything)
155 (1)
Pediophobia (dolls)
155 (4)
Phonophobia (noises)
159 (1)
Plutomania (riches)
160 (1)
Pnigophobia (choking)
161 (2)
Pogonophobia (beards)
163 (1)
Popcorn phobia
164 (1)
Pteronophobia (feathers)
165 (1)
Public urination phobia
165 (1)
Pyromania (fire)
166 (4)
Sedatephobia (silence)
170 (1)
Siderodromophobia (trains)
171 (1)
Social phobia
172 (2)
Syllogomania (hoarding)
174 (6)
Taphephobia (being buried alive)
180 (2)
Telephonophobia (telephones)
182 (2)
Tetraphobia (four)
184 (2)
Thalassophobia (seas)
186 (1)
Tokophobia (giving birth)
187 (1)
Trichomania (hair)
188 (2)
Trichotillomania (hair-plucking)
190 (2)
Triskaidekaphobia (thirteen)
192 (1)
Trypophobia (holes)
193 (2)
Tulipomania (tulips)
195 (2)
Xenophobia (foreigners)
197 (1)
Xylophobia (forests)
198 (2)
Zoophobia (animals)
200 (3)
Sources 203 (38)
Acknowledgements 241 (1)
Phobias 242 (1)


Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Summerscale, Kate
Verfasser*innenangabe: Kate Summerscale
Jahr: 2022
Verlag: New York, Profile Books
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik PI.HK, FS.E
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Englisch [Sprache]
ISBN: 978-0-593-48975-8
2. ISBN: 0-593-48975-6
Beschreibung: 239 Seiten
Schlagwörter: Manie, Phobie, Monopolare Manie
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Text englisch
Mediengruppe: Buch