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Genetics for dummies

[understand cell biology basics : explore how genetics affects your health : grasp the laws on inheritance]
Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Robinson, Tara Rodden; Cushman Spock, Lisa
Verfasser*innenangabe: by Tara Rodden Robinson, and Lisa Cushman Spock
Jahr: 2020
Verlag: Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, J /VCH
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 07., Urban-Loritz-Pl. 2a Standorte: NN.BG FS.E Robi / College 6a - Englisch Status: Rücksortierung Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


Your no-nonsense guide to geneticsWith rapid advances in genomic technologies, genetic testing has become a key part of both clinical practice and research. Scientists are constantly discovering more about how genetics plays a role in health and disease, and healthcare providers are using this information to more accurately identify their patients' particular medical needs. Genetic information is also increasingly being used for a wide range of non-clinical purposes, such as exploring one's ancestry.This new edition of Genetics For Dummies serves as a perfect course supplement for students pursuing degrees in the sciences. It also provides science-lovers of all skill levels with easy-to-follow and easy-to-understand information about this exciting and constantly evolving field. This edition includes recent developments and applications in the field of genetics, such as:* Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing* Precision medicine and pharmacogenetics* Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for health risks* Ancestry testingFeaturing information on some of the hottest topics in genetics right now, this book makes it easier than ever to wrap your head around this fascinating subject
Introduction 1/ About This Book 1/ Conventions Used in This Book 2/ Foolish Assumptions 2/ How This Book is Organized 3/ Part 1: The Lowdown on Genetics: Just the Basics 3/ Part 2: DNA: The Genetic Material 3/ Part 3: Genetics and Your Health 3/ Part 4: Genetics and Your World 3/ Part 5: The Part of Tens 4/ Icons Used in This Book 4/ Beyond This Book 4/ Where to Go from Here 5/ Part 1: The Lowdown on Genetics: Just the Basics 7/ Chapter 1: Welcome to Genetics: What’s What and Who’s Who 9/ What is Genetics? 9/ Classical genetics: Transmitting traits from generation to generation 10/ Molecular genetics: DNA and the chemistry of genes 11/ Population genetics: Genetics of groups 12/ Quantitative genetics: Getting a handle on heredity 13/ Genetics as a Career 13/ Exploring a genetics lab 14/ Sorting through jobs in genetics 15/ Chapter 2: Basic Cell Biology 21/ Looking Around Your Cell 22/ Cells without a nucleus 22/ Cells with a nucleus 23/ What’s in a nucleus? 25/ Examining the basics of chromosomes 25/ So Where Are My Genes? 27/ Mitosis: Splitting Up 29/ Step 1: Time to grow 30/ Step 2: Divvying up the chromosomes 31/ Step 3: The big divide 33/ Meiosis: Making Cells for Reproduction 34/ Meiosis I 35/ Meiosis II 37/ Mommy, where did I come from? 38/ Chapter 3: Visualize Peas: Discovering the Laws of Inheritance 41/ Gardening with Gregor Mendel 42/ Speaking the Language of Inheritance 44/ Simplifying Inheritance 45/ Establishing dominance 45/ Segregating alleles 47/ Declaring independence 48/ Finding Unknown Alleles 50/ Applying Basic Probability to the Likelihood of Inheritance 50/ Solving Simple Genetics Problems 52/ Deciphering a monohybrid cross 53/ Tackling a dihybrid cross 53/ Chapter 4: Law Enforcement: Mendel’s Laws Applied to Complex Traits 57/ Dominant Alleles Rule Sometimes 58/ Wimping out with incomplete dominance 58/ Keeping it fair with codominance 59/ Dawdling with incomplete penetrance 60/ Alleles Causing Complications 61/ More than two alleles 61/ Lethal alleles 63/ Making Life More Complicated 63/ When genes interact 63/ Genes in hiding 65/ Genes linked together 66/ One gene with many phenotypes 69/ Uncovering More Exceptions to Mendel’s Laws 70/ Epigenetics 70/ Genomic imprinting 70/ Anticipation 71/ Environmental effects 72/ Part 2: DNA: The Genetic Material 73/ Chapter 5: DNA: The Basis of Life 75/ Chemical Ingredients of DNA 76/ Covering the bases 76/ Adding a spoonful of sugar and a little phosphate 78/ Assembling the Double Helix: The Structure of DNA 79/ Starting with one: Weaving a single strand 79/ Doubling up: Adding the second strand 81/ Examining Different Varieties of DNA 85/ Nuclear DNA 85/ Mitochondrial DNA 85/ Chloroplast DNA 86/ Digging into the History of DNA 87/ Discovering DNA 87/ Obeying Chargaff’s rules 88/ Hard feelings and the helix: Franklin, Wilkins, Watson, and Crick 88/ Chapter 6: Chromosomes: The Big Picture 91/ Deconstructing the Double Helix 92/ Anatomy of a Chromosome 93/ Two Chromosomes Are Better than One (or Three) 95/ Sex Chromosomes: Is It a Boy or Girl? 96/ Sex determination in humans 97/ Sex determination in other organisms 101/ Chapter 7: Replication: A Copy Machine for DNA 105/ Unzipped: Creating the Pattern for More DNA 106/ How DNA Copies Itself 109/ Meeting the replication crew 110/ Splitting the helix 113/ Priming the pump 115/ Leading and lagging 115/ Joining all the pieces 117/ Proofreading replication 117/ Replication in Eukaryotes 118/ Pulling up short: Telomeres 118/ Finishing the job 120/ How Circular DNAs Replicate 120/ Theta 121/ Rolling circle 121/ D-loop 122/ Chapter 8: DNA Sequencing: Decoding the Genome 123/ Sequencing: Reading the Language of DNA 124/ Identifying the players in DNA sequencing 124/ Finding the message in sequencing results 127/ Newer, cheaper, faster 127/ Sequencing Your Way to the Human Genome 129/ The Human Genome Project 130/ Trying on a Few Genomes 132/ The yeast genome 134/ The elegant roundworm genome 134/ The chicken genome 135/ Chapter 9: RNA: DNA’s Close Cousin 137/ You Already Know a Lot about RNA 137/ Using a slightly different sugar 138/ Meeting a new base: Uracil 139/ Stranded! 140/ Transcription: Copying DNA’s Message into RNA’s Language 141/ Getting ready to transcribe 142/ Initiation 146/ Elongation 147/ Termination 147/ Post-transcription Processing 148/ Adding cap and tail 148/ Editing the message 149/ Chapter 10: Translating the Genetic Code 151/ Discovering the Good in a Degenerate 152/ Considering the combinations 153/ Framed! Reading the code 154/ Not quite universal 155/ Meeting the Translating Team 155/ Taking the Translation Trip 156/ Initiation 156/ Elongation 159/ Termination 160/ Proteins Are Precious Polypeptides 162/ Recognizing radical groups 162/ Giving the protein its shape 162/ Chapter 11: Gene Expression: What a Cute Pair of Genes 165/ Getting Your Genes Under Control 166/ To Be Expressed or Not To Be Expressed? 166/ Regulating Gene Expression: A Time and Place for Everything 168/ Controlling Transcription Before It Starts 169/ Regulation of Gene Transcription: Flipping the Switch 170/ Sequences controlling genes 170/ Proteins controlling transcription 172/ Hormones controlling transcription 173/ Retroactive Control: Things That Happen after Transcription 174/ Nip and tuck: RNA splicing 175/ Shut up! mRNA silencing 175/ mRNA expiration dates 177/ Gene Control Lost in Translation 177/ Modifying where translation occurs 177/ Modifying when translation occurs 178/ Modifying the protein shape 179/ Prokaryotic Gene Expression 179/ Bacterial gene organization 179/ Bacterial gene expression 180/ Part 3: Genetics and Your Health 181/ Chapter 12: When Things Go Wrong: Changes in DNA Sequence 183/ Heritable or Not Heritable? 184/ Facing the Consequences of Sequence Variants 184/ Sorting Out Terminology 185/ The phenotypic effect of a DNA sequence change 185/ The type of DNA sequence change 186/ What Causes Sequence Variants? 189/ Spontaneous sequence variants 190/ Induced sequence variants 194/ Evaluating Options for DNA Repair 198/ Chapter 13: Chromosome Disorders: It’s All a Numbers Game 199/ Chromosome Numbers: No More and No Less 200/ Aneuploidy: Extra or missing chromosomes 200/ Aneuploidy of the Autosomal Chromosomes 202/ When chromosomes go missing 202/ When too many chromosomes are left in 202/ Aneuploidy of the Sex Chromosomes 205/ Extra Xs 205/ Extra Ys 206/ Monosomy X 206/ Exploring Variations in Chromosome Structure 206/ Duplications 207/ Deletions 208/ Inversions 208/ Translocations 209/ Reciprocal translocations 209/ Robertsonian translocations 210/ Other things that go awry with chromosomes 211/ How Chromosomes Are Studied 212/ Big enough to see 212/ Too small for the naked eye 214/ Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for Aneuploidy 215/ Chapter 14: Taking a Closer Look at the Genetics of Cancer 217/ Defining Cancer 218/ Benign growths: Not always so harmless 218/ Malignancies: Seriously scary results 219/ Metastasis: Cancer on the move 220/ Recognizing Cancer as a DNA Disease 221/ Exploring the cell cycle and cancer 222/ Demystifying chromosome abnormalities 228/ Breaking Down the Types of Cancers 229/ Hereditary Breast Cancer 231/ Hereditary colorectal cancer 232/ Chapter 15: Genetic Counseling, Risk Assessment, and Genetic Testing 235/ Getting to Know Genetic Counselors 236/ Building and Analyzing a Family Tree 237/ Autosomal Inheritance: No Differences Among the Sexes 240/ Autosomal dominant traits and disorders 240/ Autosomal recessive traits and disorders 241/ Found on Sex Chromosomes: Sex-linked Inheritance 244/ X-linked recessive traits 245/ X-linked dominant traits 247/ Y-linked traits 248/ Sex-limited traits 249/ Sex-influenced traits 249/ Testing for Genetic Disorders 249/ Diagnostic testing 251/ Prenatal diagnosis 251/ Carrier testing 252/ Predictive and susceptibility testing 252/ Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 253/ Pharmacogenetic testing 254/ Chapter 16: Treating Genetic Disorders and Using Genetics to Tailor Treatment 255/ Alleviating Genetic Disease through Gene Therapy 256/ Inserting Healthy Genes into the Picture 256/ Finding Vehicles to Get Genes to Work 259/ Viruses that join right in 260/ Viruses that are a little standoffish 261/ Progress on the Gene Therapy Front 261/ Utilizing Genetic Information for Precision Medicine 263/ Pharmacogenetics (and pharmacogenomics) 263/ Cytochrome P450 and drug metabolism 264/ Decreasing the risk of side effects of treatment 266/ Increasing the effectiveness of treatment 266/ Part 4: Genetics and Your World 269/ Chapter 17: Tracing Human History and the Future of the Planet 271/ Genetic Variation is Everywhere 272/ Allele frequencies 272/ Genotype frequencies 274/ Breaking Down the Hardy-Weinberg Law of Population Genetics 275/ Relating alleles to genotypes 275/ Violating the law 277/ Mapping the Gene Pool 279/ One big happy family 279/ Ancestry testing 280/ Uncovering the secret social lives of animals 281/ Changing Forms over Time: The Genetics of Evolution 282/ Genetic variation is key 283/ Where new species come from 283/ Growing the evolutionary tree 284/ Chapter 18: Solving Mysteries Using DNA 287/ Rooting through Your DNA to Find Your Identity 288/ Investigating the Scene: Where’s the DNA? 290/ Collecting biological evidence 290/ Moving to the lab 292/ Employing DNA to Catch Criminals (And Free the Innocent) 297/ Matching the evidence to the bad guy 297/ Taking a second look at guilty verdicts 299/ It’s All Relative: Finding Family 300/ Paternity testing 300/ Relatedness testing 302/ Chapter 19: Genetic Makeovers: Using Genetic Engineering to Change the Genome 307/ Genetically Modified Organisms Are Everywhere 308/ Old Genes in New Places 309/ Following the transgenesis process 311/ Making a transgene using recombinant DNA technology 311/ Modifying the gene to reside in its new home 313/ Looking at the GMO Menagerie 313/ Transgenic animals 313/ Transgenic insects 316/ Transgenic bacteria 316/ Transgenic plants 318/ Getting new genes into the plant 318/ Exploring commercial applications 319/ Weighing points of contention 320/ Changing the Blueprint: Gene Editing 321/ CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing 323/ Germline versus somatic gene editing 325/ Discussing the ethics of gene editing 325/ Chapter 20: Giving Ethical Considerations Their Due 327/ Profiling Genetic Discrimination 327/ Ordering Up Designer Babies 329/ Ethical Issues Surrounding Genetic Testing 330/ Informed Consent 331/ Patient Autonomy 333/ Privacy and Confidentiality 334/ Incidental Findings 335/ Direct-to-Consumer Testing 336/ Practicing Safe Genetic Treatments 337/ Genetic Property Rights 338/ Part 5: The Part of Tens 339/ Chapter 21: Ten Defining Events in Genetics 341/ The Publication of Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” 341/ The Rediscovery of Mendel’s Work 342/ DNA Transformation 343/ The Discovery of Jumping Genes 344/ The Birth of DNA Sequencing 345/ The Invention of PCR 345/ The Development of Recombinant DNA Technology 346/ The Invention of DNA Fingerprinting 347/ The Birth of Developmental Genetics 347/ The Work of Francis Collins and the Human Genome Project 348/ Chapter 22: Ten Hot Issues in Genetics 349/ Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing 349/ Whole Exome Sequencing 350/ Whole Genome Sequencing 352/ Stem Cell Research 352/ The ENCODE Project 353/ Proteomics 354/ Gene Chips 355/ Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance 356/ Circumventing Mother Nature 356/ Genetics from Afar 357/ Glossary 359/ Index 365


Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Robinson, Tara Rodden; Cushman Spock, Lisa
Verfasser*innenangabe: by Tara Rodden Robinson, and Lisa Cushman Spock
Jahr: 2020
Verlag: Hoboken, NJ, Wiley, J /VCH
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik NN.BG, FS.E
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-119-63303-7
2. ISBN: 1-119-63303-6
Beschreibung: 3rd edition, xiii, 384 pages : Illustrationen, Diagramme
Schlagwörter: Einführung, Genetik, Humangenetik, Abriss, Allgemeine Genetik, Erbbiologie, Erbforschung, Erblehre, Erblichkeitslehre, Kompendium <Einführung>, Lehrbuch <Einführung>, Leitfaden, Populärwissenschaftliche Darstellung <Formschlagwort>, Programmierte Einführung <Formschlagwort>, Repetitorium <Formschlagwort>, Vererbungslehre, Vererbungswissenschaft, Anthropogenetik, Medizin / Genetik, Medizinische Genetik, Mensch / Genetik
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: Buch