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A practical guide to sustainable fashion

Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Gwilt, Alison
Verfasser*innenangabe: Alison Gwilt
Jahr: 2020
Verlag: London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney, Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Mediengruppe: Buch


Vorbestellen Zweigstelle: 07., Urban-Loritz-Pl. 2a Standorte: VW.SM Gwil / College 2a - Freizeit Status: Verfügbar Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0


Packed with examples from groundbreaking designers such as Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, Edun and People Tree, A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion is a much-needed overview of current models of fashion design and production. Alison Gwilt introduces the key issues associated with the production, use and disposal of fashion clothing and gives step-by-step guidance on how to identify and evaluate the potential impacts of a garment during the design process.
With innovative examples of best practice from international designers and brands, the chapters follow each key stage in the life cycle of a fashion garment and explores approaches such as low-impact textiles techniques, mono-materiality, zero waste techniques, upcycling, repair and maintenance techniques and closed-loop design systems.
New to this edition: More in-depth coverage of design thinking, materials manufacture, practical techniques for creating 'faster' recyclable fashion and new ways forward for fashion, such as including the circular economy and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Table of Contents
1. Rethinking fashion design
The supply chain
The key issues
Developments in sustainable fashion
The future of fashion
Spotlight on: Katharine Hamnett
Exercise 1: Reflecting on sustainable fashion
2. The life cycle of a garment
Life cycle thinking
Activities and impacts
Assessment tools and models
Sustainable design strategies
Spotlight on: Stella McCartney
Interview: Amina Razvi
Exercise 2: Comparing two garments
3. Design
Garment design
Spotlight on: Designing for empathy
Exercise 3: Designing for empathy
Selecting fabrics, materials and techniques
Spotlight on: Using mono-materials
Interview: Christopher Raeburn
4. Production
Pattern-making and toiling
Spotlight on: Zero-waste techniques
Exercise 4: Working with geometric
Spotlight on: Design for longevity
Interview: Zoltan Csaki
5. Distribution
Suppliers and producers
Spotlight on: Engaging with local communities
Interview: Lizzie Harrison
Spotlight on: Designing for need
Exercise 5: Designing for inclusive fashion
6. Use
Patterns of use
Spotlight on: Reducing laundering
Repair and maintenance
Spotlight on: Design for repair
Exercise 6: Designing modular garments
Interview: Joakim Levin
7. End-of-life...
Reuse and remanufacture
Spotlight on: Upcycling
Exercise 7: Personalizing fashion through upcycling
Interview: Cynthia Power
Material recycling
Spotlight on: Closed-loop production
Online resources
Student resources


Verfasser*in: Suche nach Verfasser*in Gwilt, Alison
Verfasser*innenangabe: Alison Gwilt
Jahr: 2020
Verlag: London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney, Bloomsbury Visual Arts
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik VW.SM, FS.E
Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis Englisch [Sprache]
ISBN: 978-1-350-06704-2
2. ISBN: 1-350-06704-0
Beschreibung: 2. Auflage, 180 Seiten : Illustrationen
Schlagwörter: Mode, Nachhaltigkeit, Dauerhafte Entwicklung, Kleidermode, Langfristige Entwicklung, Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Sustainable Development, Zukunftsfähige Entwicklung
Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person
Sprache: Englisch
Fußnote: Literaturangaben
Mediengruppe: Buch